Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Link Slushpile #2

Here's another round of link-worthy posts:

How do you know if you are a 'newbie' in the publishing industry? Publishing for Profit has several tell-tale signs. Check it out to see if you are making any beginner mistakes.

Have you dreamed of receiving the all-important call from an agent, offering you representation? In your fantasies, do you have a plan of what to say next? The agent call is an important time to find out if he or she is a good fit for you and your work. Don't squander this opportunity. Be prepared with a list of questions. QueryTracker interviewed four published authors about the questions they asked agents during 'the call.' Another great resource for preparing your list can be found on AgentQuery.

Lastly, in honor of today's date, Alice (editor of Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market) and Jennifer Jackson (literary agent) both provided a little April Fools humor. Jennifer gave some tongue-in-cheek updates to her submission rules. Be warned, Alice's Ten Tips for Effective Queries should also be read with an eye for sarcasm. Thanks for keeping it light, ladies!


Rick Daley said...

You have all the best links, I've seen a lot of them in your feedback on my Query Slushpile. Thanks for taking such an active role!

Sarah Garrigues said...

Thanks, Rick.
I daily spend time reading the websites listed on the side of my blog. Whenever I find a particularly useful post, I either incorporated into one of my previous posts or save it for a new installment of 'The Link Slushpile.' This way my blog readers are able to take advantage of the research I have done. I love being a part of the community of writers and helping new writers find answers to their questions (such as on your site, the Public Query Slushpile).